Ever wanted to spy on your friend's laptop/computer? Want to get hold of that Netflix password? You are in luck buddy! We present to you, the mighty Keylogger program using Python . You may be wondering: What is a Keylogger? And how can I use it to spy on my friends? Here's all you need to know: The Keylogger is a program that runs in the background without interrupting your work, and monitors your keyboard, recording each key stroke (that is, every time you press a key) in a logfile. By accessing this Logfile, you would hit the Jackpot . With this program running on someone's laptop/computer, you can get hold of usernames and passwords that they enter, with the user unaware that the information is being recorded. Beware! Data Theft is a serious offence. We will not take responsibility for any mishap that can be caused by this program. This program is shared solely for the purpose of entertainment. So what are we waiting for? Let's jump right in! And don't forge...