Today we will create a very simple Tic-Tac-Toe game, which can be played between two players. The program has a basic input-output command-line process, and displays the game layout after each turn. You need a very simple understanding of Python to get this game off the ground. This game will use a row-column system similar to Chess, which will require the player to input a specific command so that the program marks that particular tile. Don't forget to collect this python file at the end of this post to try it out instantly. So without any further ado, let's start! The Code Starting off, we initialize 3 lists, row1, row2, row3, that represent the 3 rows of the Tic-Tac-Toe game, and each value represents a tile of the game. Initially, the value is kept blank. As the players mark each tile, the values in the lists are updated with values either 'X' or 'O'. Instructions are provided at the start of the game, which clearly states how a player is supposed to input ...
Today, I'll show you how to create a machine learning program to predict stock prices. Machine learning is used in a variety of fields, and we can utilize its ability to learn and predict from data to predict useful variables, with minimal error. Therefore in theory, we can apply the same on stocks to predict the next closing price, so that we can make a killing gain. However, stock markets are highly unstable. Their price movement often depends on decisions taken by the company, favor and reaction of investors, social impact, human emotions, and price movements of some other related stocks. These types of data cannot be made available to a program. The prediction can be close only if the market remains relatively stable. You don't actually need to learn machine learning using python to understand how this program works, if not minimal. I'll describe each machine learning process. And don't forget to download the source code of this program, link provided at the end. ...